Just your average collector turned tack maker.
Hi! Welcome to the official blog site for NickerDoodles! What is "NickerDoodles" exactly?
My Story
Located in beautiful North Idaho, NickerDoodles was officially started in April of 2017, shortly after I started collecting Traditionals. I wanted to make them really stand out on my shelf, so I decided to try making rope halters. I've owned real horses for 10 years, and tried my hand at making rope halters for them, so why not try it in mini scale? ;) Easier said than done, but I love a good challenge! After much trial and error, I mastered rope halters and matching lead ropes, in Traditional and Classic scale. (Yes, I'm a Classic fan.) I began selling them on eBay, and recently have transitioned the business to Etsy.
I wasn't content with just making rope halters however, I wanted to try new styles. In May of last year I set out on the adventure of Nylon halters. More trial and error, and before long they were selling like crazy. Nylon halters are definitely popular, and I'm constantly kept busy trying to keep them in stock. By experience and measuring different molds, I have tailored mine to a size that fits most regular size Traditionals, and am beginning to include Draft sizes as well!
The Team
My team at NickerDoodles consists of me, and the horses, of course! ;) I have a small team of Classics for Classic scale halters, and I currently have 11 Traditionals, all of whom model the halters for listing photos, and provide measurements for making halters. I have a wide variety of colors, Buckskin, Grey, and Chestnut to name a few. This helps in showing what horse color a halter complements best. I will formally introduce each team member in a later post, but I can't miss introducing to you my mascot, Chip! :)
My Motto
My motto at NickerDoodles is: Quality, Quality, Quality! Based on my 10+ years experience in the real horse world, I make my halters to look exactly like the real thing! :) They are also durable, tough enough to withstand play yet classy enough for the show table, and they come in a style and color for everyone! So whether you like rope halters, nylon halters, pink or blue, you can find them all in my store in a wide selection of fun colors and styles! I also highly value my customers, and strive to offer the very best customer service in quick communication, ordering and shipping. I also take custom orders, so if you have something in mind that you don't see here, send me an email! :)
Expanding Horizons
It all started with making and selling rope halters, and while I have definitely tested my abilities and tried new things, I'm not finished yet. As long as there are new projects to tackle, I'm going to try them! Recently I have tried working with leather, and am progressing towards making leather halters. Once that is mastered I hope to try bridles and.... well, one thing at a time I guess. The most important thing is to have fun! :) Because if you ain't havin' fun, you ain't doin' it right! ;) Thank you for visiting NickerDoodles blog site, and don't forget to check out my store and instagram business page! Link is on the home page. Happy collecting and tack making to y'all! :)
~ Haley